Saturday, March 26, 2011

am i being unreasonable?

hi. So here i am again, looking for your opinions, not because they will have any impact on what i may or may not do, but simply, because i'm wondering, as the post title says, if i'm being completely unreasonable or not.

I'm thinking of moving, in july, to a place that has both dart and bus links, and i would still be able to get home to drimnagh also if i wanted, so it's not for those reasons that there are objections. Also, the place where i'm moving to, in terms of the area, i would know far better than where i do now, and i would have far more local routes than i ever would where i am now to use the dog on, and in fact, i could even probably do most routes myself, so it would probably mean less aftercare, as i'm very confident around this area. Yet, because it would mean i would have farther to travel to college, should i be accepted than i currently would, i was told today by someone that it makes no sense. I wouldn't mind the extra travel for the reasons already mentioned.

So, tell me, would you do the same as me if you felt as i do? and would you like me, feel totally justified in your thinking and what your considering?

Feedback appreciated
