Tuesday, April 14, 2009

my beautiful zonta!

well its finally happend! Today, after waiting over 9 months, i was matched with my first guide from irish guidedogs for the blind, her name is zonta, she's a lab cross retriever and she's absolutely beautiful! we went on a walk, during the first part of which, she was just racing along and i was thinking, "am i meant to race along like this every day? because there's no way i can!" but on the second part of the walk her pace was lovely, and she really is an excellent guide, i just know we're gonna get along just fabulously! i will write more when there's more to tell,

Saturday, April 11, 2009

it's about sarah for the moment...

Yes it's all about Sarah McLachlan just now! I've just gotten afterglow back after a long time not having it, and now i'm just downloading stuff from the nettwerk store site so I can put it all on my hard drive so I don't lose it ever again! The rest of my weekend will be spent thinking of what's to come, will write about that in a separate post, and trying to distract myself from thinking, plus i really should start working on stuff for a gig which i've got coming up in Roscommon the weekend after next.
that's all for now,
Till next time.